Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I contacted Jane who runs Thistle hall, I thought we could look into a the possibilities surrounding a partnership where we promoted Thistle hall and they did the same too Farsite- as both galleries are community based/have similar practices. She was open to any ideas we have. I suggested we could spread the word about Farsite by possibly having pamphlets in house at thistle//posters on there window etc. as well as a mention on our website of thistle as 'friends of the gallery'' and that perhaps they could do the same on the Thistle website... anyone got any ideas to add??

Also I looked into simple promotional avenues. An obvious one for me is to Advertise through the Wellignton visitors site, basically they let you post for free on their website-

They are also responsible for those What's on Wellington monthly pamphlets- Featuring the 'new look' Farsite in these spaces would hopefully increase visitors to the gallery!!

There are other promotional brochures we could look into- things like Jasons Wellington guide which has a culture and activities section. although these would have a fee, im not sure how big ,( am enquiring). Basically most visitors pick up one of these, so would be great to have Farsite In this.


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